Source code for simkit.core.data_sources

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides base classes for data sources. Data sources provide
data to calculations. All data used comes from a data source. The requirements
for data sources are as follows:

1. Data sources must be sub-classed to :class:`DataSource`.
2. They must know where to get their data, either from a file or from other
    data sources.
3. They need a data reader that knows how to extract the data from the file,
    or combine data in calculations to produce new data.
4. They require a parameter map that states exactly where the data is and what
    its units are, what the data will be called in calculations and any other
    meta-data the registry requires.

from simkit.core import (
    UREG, Registry, SimKitJSONEncoder, CommonBase, Parameter
from simkit.core.data_readers import JSONReader
from simkit.core.exceptions import (
    UncertaintyPercentUnitsError, UncertaintyVarianceError
import json
import os
import time
from copy import copy
import numpy as np

DFLT_UNC = 1.0 * UREG('percent')  # default uncertainty

[docs]class DataParameter(Parameter): """ Field for data parameters. """ _attrs = ['units', 'uncertainty', 'isconstant', 'timeseries']
[docs]class DataRegistry(Registry): """ A registry for data sources. The meta names are: ``uncertainty``, ``variance``, ``isconstant``, ``timeseries`` and ``data_source`` """ #: meta names meta_names = ['uncertainty', 'variance', 'isconstant', 'timeseries', 'data_source']
[docs] def register(self, newdata, *args, **kwargs): """ Register data in registry. Meta for each data is specified by positional or keyword arguments after the new data and consists of the following: * ``uncertainty`` - Map of uncertainties in percent corresponding to new keys. The uncertainty keys must be a subset of the new data keys. * ``variance`` - Square of the uncertainty (no units). * ``isconstant``: Map corresponding to new keys whose values are``True`` if constant or ``False`` if periodic. These keys must be a subset of the new data keys. * ``timeseries``: Name of corresponding time series data, ``None`` if no time series. _EG_: DNI data ``timeseries`` attribute might be set to a date/time data that it corresponds to. More than one data can have the same ``timeseries`` data. * ``data_source``: the :class:`~simkit.core.data_sources.DataSource` superclass that was used to acquire this data. This can be used to group data from a specific source together. :param newdata: New data to add to registry. When registering new data, keys are not allowed to override existing keys in the data registry. :type newdata: mapping :raises: :exc:`~simkit.core.exceptions.UncertaintyPercentUnitsError` """ kwargs.update(zip(self.meta_names, args)) # check uncertainty has units of percent uncertainty = kwargs['uncertainty'] variance = kwargs['variance'] isconstant = kwargs['isconstant'] # check uncertainty is percent if uncertainty: for k0, d in uncertainty.iteritems(): for k1, v01 in d.iteritems(): units = v01.units if units != UREG('percent'): keys = '%s-%s' % (k0, k1) raise UncertaintyPercentUnitsError(keys, units) # check variance is square of uncertainty if variance and uncertainty: for k0, d in variance.iteritems(): for k1, v01 in d.iteritems(): keys = '%s-%s' % (k0, k1) missing = k1 not in uncertainty[k0] v2 = np.asarray(uncertainty[k0][k1].to('fraction').m) ** 2.0 if missing or not np.allclose(np.asarray(v01), v2): raise UncertaintyVarianceError(keys, v01) # check that isconstant is boolean if isconstant: for k, v in isconstant.iteritems(): if not isinstance(v, bool): classname = self.__class__.__name__ error_msg = ['%s meta "isconstant" should be' % classname, 'boolean, but it was "%s" for "%s".' % (v, k)] raise TypeError(' '.join(error_msg)) # call super method, meta must be passed as kwargs! super(DataRegistry, self).register(newdata, **kwargs)
[docs]class DataSourceBase(CommonBase): """ Base data source meta class. """ _path_attr = 'data_path' _file_attr = 'data_file' _param_cls = DataParameter _reader_attr = 'data_reader' _enable_cache_attr = 'data_cache_enabled' _attr_default = {_reader_attr: JSONReader, _enable_cache_attr: True} def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attr): # use only with DataSource subclasses if not CommonBase.get_parents(bases, DataSourceBase): return super(DataSourceBase, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attr) # set _meta combined from bases attr = mcs.set_meta(bases, attr) # set default meta attributes meta = attr[mcs._meta_attr] for ma, dflt in mcs._attr_default.iteritems(): a = getattr(meta, ma, None) if a is None: setattr(meta, ma, dflt) # set param file full path if data source path and file specified or # try to set parameters from class attributes except private/magic attr = mcs.set_param_file_or_parameters(attr) return super(DataSourceBase, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attr)
[docs]class DataSource(object): """ Required interface for all SimKit data sources such as PVSim results, TMY3 data and calculation input files. Each data source must specify a ``data_reader`` which must subclass :class:`~simkit.core.data_readers.DataReader` and that can read this data source. The default is :class:`~simkit.core.data_readers.JSONReader`. Each data source must also specify a ``data_file`` and ``data_path`` that contains the parameters required to import data from the data source using the data reader. Each data reader had different parameters to specify how it reads the data source, so consult the API. This is the required interface for all source files containing data used in SimKit. """ __metaclass__ = DataSourceBase def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # save arguments, might need them later self.args = args #: positional arguments self.kwargs = kwargs #: keyword arguments # make pycharm by defining inferred objects meta = getattr(self, DataSourceBase._meta_attr) parameters = getattr(self, DataSourceBase._param_attr) # check if the data reader is a file reader filename = None if meta.data_reader.is_file_reader: # get filename from args or kwargs if args: filename = args[0] elif kwargs: filename = kwargs.get('filename') # raises KeyError: 'filename' if filename isn't given # TODO: allow user to set explicit filename for cache #: filename of file containing data self.filename = filename # private property self._is_saved = True # If filename ends with ".json", then either the original reader was # a JSONReader or the data was cached. # If data caching enabled and file doesn't end with ".json", cache it as # JSON, append ".json" to the original filename and pass original data # reader as extra argument. if meta.data_cache_enabled and self._is_cached(): # switch reader to JSONReader, with old reader as extra arg data_reader_instance = JSONReader(parameters, meta) else: # create the data reader object specified using parameter map data_reader_instance = meta.data_reader(parameters, meta) #: data loaded from reader = data_reader_instance.load_data(*args, **kwargs) # save JSON file if doesn't exist already. JSONReader checks utc mod # time vs orig file, and deletes JSON file if orig file is newer. if meta.data_cache_enabled and not self._is_cached(): self.saveas_json(self.filename) # ".json" appended by saveas_json # XXX: default values of uncertainty, isconstant and timeseries are # empty dictionaries. #: data uncertainty in percent self.uncertainty = {} #: variance self.variance = {} #: ``True`` if data is constant for all dynamic calculations self.isconstant = {} #: name of corresponding time series data, ``None`` if no time series self.timeseries = {} #: name of :class:`DataSource` self.data_source = dict.fromkeys(, self.__class__.__name__) # TODO: need a consistent way to handle uncertainty, isconstant and time # series # XXX: Each superclass should do the following: # * prepare the raw data from reader for the registry. Some examples of # data preparation are combining numbers and units and uncertainties, # data validation, combining years, months, days and hours into # datetime objects and parsing data from strings. # * handle uncertainty, isconstant, timeseries and any other meta data. self._raw_data = copy( # shallow copy of data self.__prepare_data__() # prepare data for registry # calculate variances for k0, d in self.uncertainty.iteritems(): for k1, v01 in d.iteritems(): self.variance[k0] = {k1:'fraction').m ** 2.0} def __prepare_data__(self): """ Prepare raw data from reader for the registry. Some examples of data preparation are combining numbers and units and uncertainties, data validation, combining years, months, days and hours into datetime objects and parsing data from strings. Each data superclass should implement this method. If there is no data preparation then use ``pass``. """ raise NotImplementedError('Data preparation not implemented. ' + 'Use ``pass`` if not required.') def _is_cached(self, ext='.json'): """ Determine if ``filename`` is cached using extension ``ex`` a string. :param ext: extension used to cache ``filename``, default is '.json' :type ext: str :return: True if ``filename`` is cached using extensions ``ex`` :rtype: bool """ # extension must start with a dot if not ext.startswith('.'): # prepend extension with a dot ext = '.%s' % ext # cache file is filename with extension cache_file = '%s%s' % (self.filename, ext) # if filename already ends with extension or there's a file with the # extension, then assume the data is cached return self.filename.endswith(ext) or os.path.exists(cache_file) @property def issaved(self): return self._is_saved
[docs] def saveas_json(self, save_name): """ Save :attr:`data`, :attr:`param_file`, original :attr:`data_reader` and UTC modification time as keys in JSON file. If data is edited then it should be saved using this method. Non-JSON data files are also saved using this method. :param save_name: Name to save JSON file as, ".json" is appended. :type save_name: str """ # make pycharm by defining inferred objects meta = getattr(self, DataSourceBase._meta_attr) param_file = getattr(self, DataSourceBase._param_file) # JSONEncoder removes units and converts arrays to lists # save last time file was modified utc_mod_time = list(time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(save_name))) json_data = {'data':, 'utc_mod_time': utc_mod_time, 'param_file': param_file, 'data_reader': meta.data_reader.__name__, 'data_source': self.__class__.__name__} if not save_name.endswith('.json'): save_name += '.json' with open(save_name, 'w') as fp: json.dump(json_data, fp, cls=SimKitJSONEncoder) # TODO: test file save successful # TODO: need to update model self._is_saved = True
[docs] def edit(self, edits, data_reg): """ Edit data in :class:`Data_Source`. Sets :attr:`issaved` to ``False``. """ data_reg.update(edits) self._is_saved = False
def __getitem__(self, item): return[item] def __repr__(self): parameters = getattr(self, DataSourceBase._param_attr) fmt = ('<%s(' % self.__class__.__name__) fmt += ', '.join('%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in parameters.iteritems()) fmt += ')>' return fmt