Source code for simkit.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is the SimKit core package. SimKit is extensible through its
built-in classes; therefore adding new data sources, formulas importers,
calculators, simulations is accomplished by sub-classing the appropriate

The built-in classes are organized into 5 categories, which make up the layers
of a model.

* Data
* Formulas
* Calculations
* Simulations
* Outputs

See the :ref:`dev-intro` in the developer section for more information on each

import pint
import os
from inspect import getargspec
import functools
import json
import numpy as np
import warnings
import logging
import types
from simkit.core.exceptions import (
    DuplicateRegItemError, MismatchRegMetaKeysError

warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
# create default logger from root logger with debug level, stream handler and
# formatter with date-time, function name, line no and basic configuration
LOG_DATEFMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
LOG_FORMAT = ('\n> %(asctime)s %(funcName)s:%(lineno)d\n> ' +
              '\n'.join(logging.BASIC_FORMAT.rsplit(':', 1)))
logging.basicConfig(datefmt=LOG_DATEFMT, format=LOG_FORMAT)
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# unit registry, quantity constructor and extra units registry definitions
UREG = pint.UnitRegistry()  # registry of units
Q_ = UREG.Quantity  # quantity constructor for ambiguous quantities like degC
UREG.define('fraction = []')  # define new dimensionless base unit for percents
UREG.define('percent = fraction / 100.0 = pct')  # can't use "%" only ascii
UREG.define('suns = []')  # dimensionless unit equivalent to 1000.0 [W/m/m]

# define PV solar context
_PV = pint.Context('pv')
# define transformation of suns to power flux and vice versa
E0 = 1000.0 * UREG.W / UREG.m / UREG.m  # 1 sun
_PV.add_transformation('[]', '[power] / [area]', lambda ureg, x: x * E0)
_PV.add_transformation('[power] / [area]', '[]', lambda ureg, x: x / E0)

def _listify(x):
    If x is not a list, make it a list.
    return list(x) if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) else [x]

[docs]class Registry(dict): """ Base class for a registry. The register method can be used to add new keys to the registry only if they don't already exist. A registry can also have meta data associated with subsets of the registered keys. To enforce rules on meta when the keys are registered, override the register method and raise exceptions before calling the :func:`super` built-in function. By default there are no meta attributes, only the register method. To set meta attributes, in a subclass, set the ``meta_names`` class attribute in the subclass:: class MyRegistry(Registry): meta_names = ['meta1', 'meta2', ...] The ``Registry`` superclass will check that the meta names are not already attributes and then set instance attributes as empty dictionaries in the subclass. To document them, use the class docstring or document them in the documentation API. """ meta_names = [] def __init__(self): self.meta_names = _listify(self.meta_names) # convert to list for m in self.meta_names: # check for m in cls and bases if m in dir(Registry): msg = ('Class %s already has %s member.' % (self.__class__.__name__, m)) raise AttributeError(msg) setattr(self, m, {}) # create instance attribute and set to dict() super(Registry, self).__init__()
[docs] def register(self, newitems, *args, **kwargs): """ Register newitems in registry. :param newitems: New items to add to registry. When registering new items, keys are not allowed to override existing keys in the registry. :type newitems: mapping :param args: Positional arguments with meta data corresponding to order of meta names class attributes :param kwargs: Maps of corresponding meta for new keys. Each set of meta keys must be a subset of the new item keys. :raises: :exc:`~simkit.core.exceptions.DuplicateRegItemError`, :exc:`~simkit.core.exceptions.MismatchRegMetaKeysError` """ newkeys = newitems.viewkeys() # set of the new item keys if any(self.viewkeys() & newkeys): # duplicates raise DuplicateRegItemError(self.viewkeys() & newkeys) self.update(newitems) # register new item # update meta fields kwargs.update(zip(self.meta_names, args)) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): meta = getattr(self, k) # get the meta attribute if v: if not v.viewkeys() <= newkeys: raise MismatchRegMetaKeysError(newkeys - v.viewkeys()) meta.update(v) # register meta
[docs] def unregister(self, items): """ Remove items from registry. :param items: """ items = _listify(items) # get all members of Registry except private, special or class meta_names = (m for m in vars(self).iterkeys() if (not m.startswith('_') and m not in dir(Registry))) # check that meta names matches # FIXME: this is so lame. replace this with something more robust for m in meta_names: if m not in self.meta_names: raise AttributeError('Meta name %s not listed.') # pop items from Registry and from meta for it in items: if it in self: self.pop(it) for m in (getattr(self, m_) for m_ in self.meta_names): if it in m: m.pop(it)
# decorator to use with formulas to convert argument units
[docs]def convert_args(test_fcn, *test_args): """ Decorator to be using in formulas to convert ``test_args`` depending on the ``test_fcn``. :param test_fcn: A test function that converts arguments. :type test_fcn: function :param test_args: Names of args to convert using ``test_fcn``. :type test_args: str The following test functions are available. * :func:`dimensionless_to_index` Example: Convert ``dawn_idx`` and ``eve_idx`` to indices:: @convert_args(dimensionless_to_index, 'dawn_idx', 'eve_idx') def f_max_T(Tcell24, dawn_idx, eve_idx): idx = dawn_idx + np.argmax(Tcell24[dawn_idx:eve_idx]) return Tcell24[idx], idx """ def wrapper(origfcn): @functools.wraps(origfcn) def newfcn(*args, **kwargs): argspec = getargspec(origfcn) # use ``inspect`` to get arg names kwargs.update(zip(argspec.args, args)) # convert args to kw # loop over test args for a in test_args: # convert a if it's in args if a in argspec.args: kwargs[a] = test_fcn(kwargs[a]) # update kwargs # call original function with converted args return origfcn(**kwargs) # return wrapped function return newfcn # return the wrapper function that consumes the original function return wrapper
# NOTE: Preferred way to compare units is with dimensionality # EG: (25 * UREG.degC).dimensionality == UREG.degC.dimensionality # XXX: Really? because this works too, seems way better! # EG: (25 * UREG.degC).units = UREG.degC
[docs]def dimensionless_to_index(index): # convert dimensionless to index if not index.dimensionality: index = index.magnitude else: raise TypeError('Indices must be dimensionless.') # TODO: make an exception called IndexUnitsError return index
# custom JSON encoder to serialize Quantities and NumPy arrays
[docs]class SimKitJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, o): """ JSONEncoder default method that converts NumPy arrays and quantities objects to lists. """ if isinstance(o, Q_): return o.magnitude elif isinstance(o, np.ndarray): return o.tolist() else: # raise TypeError if not serializable return super(SimKitJSONEncoder, self).default(o)
def get_public_attributes(cls, as_list=True): """ Return class attributes that are neither private nor magic. :param cls: class :param as_list: [True] set to False to return generator :return: only public attributes of class """ attrs = (a for a in dir(cls) if not a.startswith('_')) if as_list: return list(attrs) return attrs
[docs]class CommonBase(type): """ Provides common metaclass methods. * :meth:`get_parents` ensures initialization only from subclasses of the main class and not the main class itself * :meth:`set_param_file_or_parameters` adds class attributes ``param_file`` or ``parameters`` depending on whether the path and file of the parameters are given or if the parameters are listed as class attributes. Base classes must implement the ``_path_attr`` and ``_file_attr`` as class attributes:: class ExampleBase(CommonBase): _path_attr = 'outputs_path' # class attribute with parameter path _file_attr = 'outputs_file' # class attribute with parameter file """ _path_attr = NotImplemented _file_attr = NotImplemented _param_cls = NotImplemented # names of inferred objects _meta_cls = 'Meta' # nested class or dictionary containing class options _meta_attr = '_meta' # collected meta from classes, bases and files _param_attr = 'parameters' # parameters collected from classes and files _param_file = 'param_file' # optional file containing parameters
[docs] @classmethod def set_meta(mcs, bases, attr): """ Get all of the ``Meta`` classes from bases and combine them with this class. Pops or creates ``Meta`` from attributes, combines all bases, adds ``_meta`` to attributes with all meta :param bases: bases of this class :param attr: class attributes :return: attributes with ``Meta`` class from combined parents """ # pop the meta class from the attributes meta = attr.pop(mcs._meta_cls, types.ClassType(mcs._meta_cls, (), {})) # get a list of the meta public class attributes meta_attrs = get_public_attributes(meta) # check all bases for meta for base in bases: base_meta = getattr(base, mcs._meta_cls, None) # skip if base has no meta if base_meta is None: continue # loop over base meta for a in get_public_attributes(base_meta, as_list=False): # skip if already in meta if a in meta_attrs: continue # copy meta-option attribute from base setattr(meta, a, getattr(base_meta, a)) attr[mcs._meta_attr] = meta # set _meta combined from bases return attr
[docs] @classmethod def set_param_file_or_parameters(mcs, attr): """ Set parameters from class attributes that are instances of :class:`~simkit.core.Parameter` or from a parameter file. Any class attributes that are instances of :class:`~simkit.core.Parameter` are popped from the class and added to a the ``parameters`` attribute, which is a dictionary of the parameters. :param attr: class attributes :return: new list of class attributes with parameters """ meta = attr[mcs._meta_attr] # look for parameter file path in meta cls_path = getattr(meta, mcs._path_attr, None) cls_file = getattr(meta, mcs._file_attr, None) # read parameters attr[mcs._param_attr] = {} attr[mcs._param_file] = None # read parameters from file if None not in [cls_path, cls_file]: param_file = os.path.join(cls_path, cls_file) attr[mcs._param_file] = param_file # read and load JSON parameter map file as "parameters" with open(param_file, 'r') as param_file: file_params = json.load(param_file) # update meta from file for k, v in file_params.pop(mcs._meta_cls, {}).iteritems(): setattr(meta, k, v) # dictionary of parameters for reading source file attr[mcs._param_attr] = { k: mcs._param_cls(**v) for k, v in file_params.iteritems() } # get parameters from class parameters = dict.fromkeys( k for k, v in attr.iteritems() if isinstance(v, Parameter) ) # update parameters for k in parameters: attr[mcs._param_attr][k] = attr.pop(k) return attr
[docs] @staticmethod def get_parents(bases, parent): """ Ensures that initialization only performed on subclasses of parent :param bases: Bases to compare against parent. :type bases: list :param parent: Superclass that bases should be subclassed from. :return: Bases subclassed from parent. :rtype: list """ return [b for b in bases if isinstance(b, parent)]
[docs]class Parameter(dict): _attrs = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): items = dict(zip(self._attrs, args)) extras = {} for key, val in kwargs.iteritems(): if key in self._attrs: items[key] = val else: extras[key] = val LOGGER.warning('This key: "%s" is not an attribute.', key) super(Parameter, self).__init__(items, extras=extras) def __repr__(self): fmt = ('<%s(' % self.__class__.__name__) fmt += ', '.join('%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in self.iteritems()) fmt += ')>' return fmt