OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Primer

Posted on Thu 17 October 2019 in Authentication and Authorization

Authentication and Authorization

Web applications may contain both public and private data. Private data may be further restricted to only certain authorized users. Therefore the web application must first authenticate a user, and then determine what private data they are authorized to access. The OAuth 2.0 specification implements an alternative workflow which alows users to authorize another web application to access resources on their behalf. The specification states that OAuth 2.0 is not an authentication protocol. However, OpenID Connect does use OAuth 2.0 to implement a standard for authentication. GitHub is an example of the OpenID Connect standard, see Basics of Authentication.


The following definitions are from from the linked reference by Alex Bilbie.

  • Resource (API) server: The server hosting the protected resources, capable of accepting and responding to protected resource requests using access tokens.
  • Authorization server: The server issuing access tokens to the client after successfully authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization.
  • Resource owner (the User): An entity capable of granting access to a protected resource. When the resource owner is a person, it is referred to as an end-user.
  • Client: An application making protected resource requests on behalf of the resource owner and with its authorization. The term client does not imply any particular implementation characteristics (e.g. whether the application executes on a server, a desktop, or other devices).

Authorizing Users & Clients

There are four workflows supported by OAuth 2.0 that allow users to authorize an application to obtain a Bearer token to gain access to resources in lieu of user credentials or client tokens.

  1. Authorization Code
  2. Resource Owner Password Credentials
  3. Client Credentials
  4. Implicit (not covered in this post)

Authorization Code

This is the most secure workflow and is the preferred workflow for applications running on remote web servers that can store credentials confidentially. The process is documented in the OAuth 2.0 specification and in the References. The authorization code workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. Ask an administrator to create a client application with the desired grant type. You should be given a client_id and a client_secret. These must be treated as secrets, e.g. never transmit them over HTTP, only HTTPS, and don't commit them to repositories. The client type for the authorization code workflow should always be Confidential. A confidential client can keep a secret, while a public client can't. An example of a confidential client would be a server, while a public client would be single-page JavaScript application, because anyone could view the page source. Authorization code should only be used with confidential clients that can keep secrets. The client registration must include a list of redirect URI to consume the authorization code from the authorization service.
  2. Then a registered client can send a GET request to the authorization URL to redirect users to login with the identity provider and get an authorization code which can be exchanged by the client for an access token. For this example, we'll use the following fictitious authorization URL:

    • The authorization URL is very picky. It must include a the following query string parameters:

      "client_id": <client-id>,
      "state": <optional>,
      "response_type": "code",
      "redirect_uri": <redirect_uri>,
      "scope": "read write email name"
    • The authorization can also include the desired scopes including any additional claims about the user such as: email, name, given_name, family_name, openid, etc. that can be retrieved in the ID token from the /identity-provider/userinfo/ endpoint.

    • Optionally, the authorization request should also contain a unique state code, a string of any length, used to prevent cross site forgery request. It's up to the client to save the state sent in the request and validate it with the state returned in the response from the authorization server.
    • Optionally there may be an approval_prompt parameter that can be provided and set to either force or auto. If not set, and there is a "skip authorization" checkbox in the app registration form which is disabled, then the default may be force which may ask users to authenticate everytime. To only ask users to authenticate the first time, try auto.
    • The identity provider will ask the user for their credentials if not already cached in the user's browser.
    • Depending on the approval_prompt parameter or the "skip authorization" checkbox, the user may be prompted to authorize the token, with a list of the claims and scopes that the token is requesting.
    • The authorization service returns a code and the state submitted by the client. The code can then be exchanged for an access token.
  3. The redirect URI on the client side has 10 minutes, and one attempt to exchange the authorization code for an access token. This request is sent as a POST:

    • The token URL is very picky. It must include the client's id and secret either as a basic authentication header or as payload data. Additionally the following data must also be in the payload of the POST:

      "grant_type": "authorization_code",
      "code": <code>,
      "redirect_uri": <redirect_uri>
    • The response is a JSON string with the access_token, expires_in, token_type (always Bearer), scopes and a refresh_token.

Resource Owner Password Credentials

This can be used by trusted clients by passing users credentials directly to the authorization server, in return for a token. See the References for more info and examples.

Client Credentials

This can be used by trusted clients to use the API directly on their own behalf with any user. See the References for more info and examples.

Refresh Token

This can be used by any client to extend a token before it expires by exchanging a refresh token for a new token without requiring the user to reenter their credentials. See the References for more info and examples.

Getting User Info

This part of the OpenID Connect specification allows a client to use the access token to obtain the token owners identity and other claims such as email, name, given_name and family_name. These claims must be submitted as scopes when the authorization code is requested. Then the client can send a GET request:

  • The GET must have an authorization header containing the bearer token:

    Authorization: "Bearer <token>"
  • The content of the response is JSON web token (JWT), a base-64 encoded string signed by hashing the JWT using the client secret as the key. See jwt.io for more information and available bindings.

  • The response status code should be 200 OK and the content type should be application/jwt. The status code will be 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED if the request does not use GET and 403 FORBIDDEN if the bearer token is missing or invalid.
  • The JWT contains the user name as the subject claim, sub, as well as any additional claims requested as scopes.
  • Use the groups scope to get access to groups a user belongs to on the identity provider such as the administrator group.
  • It is up to the client to validate that the JWT is signed correctly. The hash algorithm is in the JWT as alg.
  • The JWT also has an issuer claim, iss, that should be set to the name of the identity provider.
  • The JWT audience claim, aud, is the the client id.
  • It's up to the client to check the time frame of the JWT using issued at iat, expires in exp, and not before nbf claims.
  • The client can also confirm that the correct token was used by examining the access token hash claim, at_hash. Please see the the OpenID Connect Core specification for more info.


Access to resources can be limited in two ways:

  • permissions (not covered in this post)
  • token scopes

Token Scopes

If a user or an application is authenticated using an OAuth 2.0 token, then that token must have the scopes required for the desired action, regardless of the owner's permissions or group membership! For example if an application has been authorized by a member of the administrator group, then that token can only be used to edit data if it has the write scope.

Scopes and Claims

Scopes can also used as claims to identify a token owner. The following scopes and claims may be available.

Name Description
read Read scope
write Write scope
groups Access to your groups
name JWT claim for user full name
email JWT claim for user email
given_name JWT claim for first name
family_name JWT claim for last name

The groups scope can also be used as a claim to get the groups that the token owner belongs to from the identity provider.
